Crossing Borders

Crossing Borders

Wolf management in the Alps requires attention to science and people

By Francesco Bisi

The first wolves to enter the Alps in nearly a hundred years found themselves in southeast France’s Mercantour National Park in 1992.

Barriers to Survival

Barriers to Survival

Could a centuries-old pastoralist tool help conserve a rare antelope?

By Annabella Helman  

In Kenya’s Rift Valley, a pride of lions begins to stir as the sun descends to the horizon and the air grows still.

Game on the Range

Game on the Range

Small tweaks in USDA programs support working lands and migrations in Wyoming 

By Shaleas Harrison 

It’s 8 am as the sunlight moves across the foothills of Carter Mountain, the longest mountain in the Absaroka range and east from Yellowstone National Park.

Home Grown Hirolas

Home Grown Hirolas

Local communities lead the protection of an endangered antelope 

By Tesia Lin 

In the 1990s, Kenya’s hirola antelope population “plummeted from 15,000 to an estimated 300-500 animals,” says retired professor Dr. Richard Kock.

High but Not Dry

High but Not Dry

In the right places, flood irrigation might be doing more good than harm

By Emily Downing

Every spring, Chris Williams looks forward to seeing the terns alight on the meadows of the southern Wyoming ranch that he manages.

Managers Unite

Managers Unite

The Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee celebrates six decades of cooperative conservation

By Kristen Pope

Chip Jenkins, Superintendent of Grand Teton National Park, knows he has to pay attention to what happens beyond his park’s borders.

Pellets versus Predators

Pellets versus Predators

A new tool to suppress an invasive fish shows promise

By Isabella Sadler

In October 2019 and 2020, helicopters hovered above the pristine waters of Yellowstone Lake,

In Sync With Sheep

In Sync With Sheep

Traveling abroad to find home

By Katie Doyle

Last winter, I stepped out of a cable car packed with people and onto a volcano in the Canary Islands, staring speechless at the North Atlantic Ocean 12,000 feet below.

Editor’s Note – Issue 14

Issue 14 will explore conserving and managing wildlife in large landscapes around the world, with implications for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. In every corner of the world, large ecosystems fostering diverse wildlife and complex species interactions sprawl over jurisdictional boundaries. They provide...

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